Friday 6 November 2009

1. You know what gets my goat?

Bloody Gold for cash adverts!

It really pisses me off when some overly tanned blonde bimbo appears on my TV screen and shouts "GIVE US GOLD AND GET MONEY". I wouldn't mind so much if it was just a simple advert telling us their services, but they do the whole Ocean Finance trick of employing some retard to say "Like oh my god! I got £4000 for an ounce of shitty fools gold! Like awesome!". The fact that it's always, and I really do mean always, badly dubbed is like putting hydrochloric acid in our collective wounds. And! And! We pay for a bloody TV license, so we should be allowed to say no to these stupidly ridiculous adverts. Bastards...

And anyway, who is stupid enough to actually send off a load of gold in a plastic bag marked "Cash 4 gold"? With the postal strikes in the last couple of weeks of pay, do you really think a postman would pass up the opportunity of nicking some gold? It's not like people who send off their gold will have the sense, or the money, to use recorded post. So once you send it off you'll be lucky if you get anything. And if you do, it will only be around 2p anyway. These companies are just glorified pawn shops who are too cheap to actually buy a shop...

Final Rave : So, the next time you see these adverts, please do me a favour. Call up these bastards, ask for a bag to be sent for you. Then wait for a couple of days until you receive the little plastic bag, which is probably not biodegradable and has the tendency to kill small seals, and put a letter in it saying "STOP SCROUNGING FROM OUR ALREADY DAMAGED ECONOMY YOU PRICKS!". Thank you and goodnight!

Tags : Gold, Postal Strike, Bastards


Unknown said...

erm.......I thought the tv license only covered the BBC???

Takuhi said...

sshh...that was a mistake on my part. Although legally you pay for the right to own a tv, not to watch the BBC without adverts. If you didn't pay TV license and didn't watch the BBC at all, you would still get prosecuted. It's just that all the profits go to the BBC.