Saturday 24 January 2009

So Ross is back again.

To start off, I want to talk about what Jonathan Ross did in the first place to be banned from presenting his radio and TV programmes on the BBC. In October, Jonathan and Russell Brand had called up the semi-famous Fawlty Towers actor Andrew Sachs. After an alleged 42,000 complaints to the BBC, the media made it look like the two presenters had left 'obscene' messages on Sachs answer phone. What they actually did was phone him up and record the beginning of his answer phone and then recorded their own response. So that puts a hole in the accusation straight away. What they did was risky, but it was meant as a simple joke. Secondly, they were crucified for what they said. On the so-called answer phone messages, Brand and Ross had said that Sachs' daughter had slept with Russell Brand. In actual fact, this is very true. They did sleep together. So it's not like they made anything up. And thirdly, Sachs' daughter , Georgina Baillie, works for some weird Gothic stripper band. So it's not like they made her look any worse.

Personally, I don't really like Russell Brand or Jonathan Ross very much, but I don't think they deserved this. They had enough money to keep going, obviously, but the whole event has shown us how touchy some people can get. I would bet you anything that the 42,000 people that phoned up to complain were either old or pot smoking, prius driving , eco-sensitive dicks.

Final Thought Byte : As a final thought, it is good to see Ross back on our TV screens. But we should really think about what's wrong with our society. We have some major problems that need sorting out, I just hope it doesn't mean voting for the Tories to solve it all.

Tags : Andrew Sachs, BBC, Friday Night, Georgina Baillie, Jonathon Ross, Radio 2, Russell Brand, Social